Topic Name Description
Topic 1 Page Expected Learning outcome
Page 1.1.1 Introduction
Page 1.1.2 Development of Limnology
Page 1.2.1 Inland waters
Page 1.2.2 Distribution of inland waters
Page 1.3.1. Ponds, lakes, streams, river
Page 1.3.2 Lakes
Page 1.3.3. Streams and Rivers
Topic 2 Page Expected Learning outcome
Page 2.1.1 Lakes
Page 2.1.2 Thermal Classification of lakes
Page 2.2.1. Famous lakes
Page 2.3.1. Lakes of the world
Topic 3 Page Expected Learning outcome
Page 3.1.1. Nature of Inland water environment
Page 3.2.1. Physical Characteristics- Pressure, Compressibility, Density
Page 3.3.1. Physical characteristics- Mobility, Buoyancy, Movement of water
Page 3.3.2.Seiches
Page 3.4.1 Physical characteristics- Surface film, Temperature
Page 3.4.2. Thermal stratification
Page 3.5.1 Physical characteristics- Light, Color, Turbidity
Page 3.5.2 Physical characteristics- Colour and Tubidity
Topic 4 Page Expected Learning outcome
Page 4.1. Dissolved gases – Oxygen, Carbon dioxide and other dissolved gases
Page 4.2. Dissolved solids and Dissolved organic matter
Topic 5 Page Expected Learning outcome
Page 5.1 Influence of physical and chemical conditions on living organisms in inland waters
Page 5.2. Productive volume, flotation phenomena and body form adjustments
Page 5.3.1. Relations of organisms to movement of water, surface film relations
Page 5.3.2. Relations of organisms to Temperature relations, Light relations
Page 5.4. Relations of Dissolved Oxygen, Relations of Carbondioxide
Page 5.5. Nitrogen, Ammonia, Dissolved solids, Other elements, Dissolved organic matter
Topic 6 Page Expected Learning outcome
Page 6.1. Classifications of organisms in water
Page 6.2. Distribution of plankton
Page 6.3. Food for plankton organisms
Topic 7 Page Expected Learning outcome
Page 7.1 Aquatic plants- Character, classification, zonation, seasonal relations
Page 7.2 Quantities produced, chemical composition, distribution in different waters, limnological role
Topic 8 Page Expected Learning outcome
Page 8.1 Nekton- Composition, Distribution, Movements
Topic 9 Page Expected Learning outcome
Page 9.1 Classification of benthic regions, beach zones, periphyton,distribution
Page 9.2. Quantitative and Qualitative movements, seasonal changes and migrations of benthos
Topic 10 Page Expected Learning outcome
Page 10.1 Circulation of food material, classification of lakes based on productivity
Page 10.2. Laws of minimum, biotic potential and environmental resistance, quantitative relations in a standing crop
Page 10.3. Laws of minimum, biotic potential and environmental resistance, quantitative relations in a standing crop
Topic 11 Page Expected Learning outcome
Page 11.1 Running waters in general
Page 11.2 Biological conditions, productivity features of lotic environments, Influence of currents,Plant growths
Page 11.3 Nekton, benthos, Temporary and head water streams, general ecological succession
Topic 13 Page 1. Morphometry of lakes, ponds and streams
Topic 14 Page Determination of physical characteristics of inland (lentic and lotic) waters
Topic 15 Page 1. Determination of chemical characteristics of inland (lentic and lotic) waters
Topic 16 Page Collection and identification of Freshwater Plankton
Topic 17 Page Collection and identification freshwater Zooplankton
Topic 18 Page Enumeration and biomass estimation of freshwater plankton
Topic 19 Page Estimation of Primary Productivity in freshwater bodies
Topic 20 Page Collection and identification of benthos from inland water bodies
Topic 21 Page Enumeration and biomass estimation of benthos from different freshwater bodies
Topic 22 Page Collection and identification of aquatic plants from different freshwater bodies
Topic 23 Page References