Types of insect mouthparts

Types of insect mouthparts

  • Mouthparts of insects vary to a great extend among insects of different groups depending upon their feeding habits. They are mainly of two types viz., Mandibulate (feeding mainly on solid food) and haustellate (feeding mainly on liquid food).
  1. Biting and chewing type: e.g. Cockroach & grasshopper. It is the primitive type of mouth part and consists of the following parts.
    i. Labrum : (Upper lip) It is flap like, bilobed and attached to the clypeus by an articular membrane. It is movable. It covers the mouth cavity from above. It helps to pull the food into the mouth. It holds the food in position so that mandibles can act on it. It forms the roof of the pre oral food cavity.
    ii. Labrum-epipharynx: Inner surface of the labrum is referred to as epipharynx. It is frequently membranous and continuous with the dorsal wall of pharnyx. It is an organ of taste.
    iii. Mandibles: There is a pair of mandibles. They are the first pair of jaws. They are also called as primary jaws or true jaws. Mandibles articulate with the cranium at two points. They are heavily sclerotised. They are toothed on their inner border. There are two types of teeth. Distal are sharply pointed and are called incisor or cutting teeth and proximal teeth are called molar or grinding teeth. They act transversely to bite and grind the food into small fragments.
    iv. Maxillae: They are paired and more complicated than mandibles. They are called secondary jaws or accessory jaws. At proximal end the first sclerite cardo joins the maxilla to head. The second sclerite is called stipes which articulates with cardo. Stipes carries a lateral sclerite called palpifer which bears a five segmented antenna like maxillary palp. On the distal end of the stipes, there are two lobes. The outer lobe is called galea and inner lobe is lacinia which is toothed. Maxille direct the food into the mouth. They hold the food in place when the mandibles are in action. They act as auxillary jaws and assist in mastication of food. Sense organs connected with the perception of touch, smell and taste are abundantly found in palpi.
    v. Hypopharynx : It is a tongue like organ. It is located centrally in the preoral cavity. Salivary gland duct opens through it.
    vi. Labium /lower lip: It is a composite structure formed by the fusion of two primitive segmented appendages. It bounds the mouth cavity from below or behind. It forms the base of the preoral cavity. It consists of three median sclerites viz., submentum (large basalsclerite), mentum (middle sclerite) and prementum (apical sclerite). On the lateral side of the prementum there are two small lateral sclerites called palpiger bearing three segmented labial palpi. Distally prementum bears two pairs of lobes. The other pair of lobes is called paraglossae and inner pair of lobes, glossae. Both pairs when fused are called ligula.
  2. Piercing and sucking / hemipterous / bug type: e.g. Plant bugs.
    Labium projects downwards from the anterior part of the head like a beak. Beak is four segmented and grooved throughout its entire length. At the base of the labium there is a triangular flap like structure called labrum. Labium is neither involved in piercing nor sucking. It functions as a protective covering for the four stylets (fascicle) found with in the groove. Both mandibles and maxillae are modified into long slender sclerotized hair like structure called stylets. They are lying close together and suited for piercing and sucking. The tips of the stylets may have minute teeth for piercing the plant tissue. The inner maxillary stylets are doubly grooved on their inner faces. When these are closely opposed they form two canals viz., food canal and salivary canal through sap and saliva are conducted respectively. Saliva contains enzymes or toxins that can distort plant cell wall to permit the stylets to penetrate down and reach phloem for suking the sap. Both palps are absent.
  3. Piercing and sucking / dipterous / mosquito type : e.g. Female mosquito
    Mouthparts of female mosquito consists of an elongate labium which is grooved forming a gutter which encloses six stylets. The stylets are composed of labrum - epipharynx (enclosing the food canal), the hyphophrynx (containing the salivary canal), two maxillae and two mandibles. Both the ends of maxillary stylets and mandibular stylets are saw like and suited piercing flesh. The stylets are inserted into host's skin by a strong downward and forward thrust of body. Both mandibles and maxillae are reduced in male and they feed on plant nectar and juices of decaying fruits. Female pierces the skin of human beings into which it injects saliva containing an anticoagulant (to keep The blood flowing without clotting) and an anesthetic (to keep the victim unaware of the bite) and sucks up the blood. Labium does not pierce but folds up or back as stylets pierce. Maxillary palpi are present.
  4. Chewing and lapping type : e.g. honey bee.
    Labrum and mandibles are as in biting and chewing type of mouth parts. But mandibles are blunt and not toothed. They are useful to crush and shape wax for comb building; ingest pollen grains and other manipulative functions. Maxillolabial structures are modified to form the lapping tongue. The tongue unit consists of two galea of maxillae, two labial palpi and elongated flexible hairy glossa of labium. The glossa terminates into a small circular spoon shaped lobe called spoon or bouton or flabellum which is useful to lick the nectar. 
  5. Rasping and sucking : e.g. Thrips
    Mouth cone consists of labrum, labium and maxillae. There are three stylets derived from two maxillae and left mandible. Right mandible is absent. Stylets are useful to lacerate the plant tissue and the oozing sap is sucked up by the mouth cone. Both maxillary palpi and labial palpi are present. 
  6. Mandibulosuctorial type : e.g. grub of antlion Mandibles are elongate sickle shaped and grooved on the inner surface. Each maxilla is elongated and fits against the mandibular groove to from a closed food canal. The body of the insect victim is pierced by the opposing mandibles and fluids are extracted. 
  7. Sponging type : e.g. House fly
    The proboscis is fleshy, elbowed, retractile and projects downwards from head. The proboscis can be differentiated into basal rostrum and distal haustellum. The proboscis consists of labium which is grooved on its anterior surface. Within this groove lie the labrum-epiphraynx (enclosing the food canal) and slender hypopharynx (containing the salivary canal). Mandibles are absent. Maxillae are represented by single segmented maxillary palpi. The end of the proboscis is enlarged, sponge like and two lobed which acts as suction pads. They are called oral discs or labella. The surfaces of labella are transvered by capillary canals called pseudotracheae which collect the liquid food and convey it to the canal. Labella function as sponging organs and are capable of taking exposed fluids. These insects often spit enzyme containing saliva onto solid foods to liquify them. 
  8. Siphoning type : e.g. Moths and butterflies
    Mouth parts consists of elongate sucking tube or proboscis. It is formed by two greatly elongated galeae of maxillae which are zippered together by interlocking spines and hooks. Galeae are grooved on their inner surface and when they are fitting together closely they form a suctorial food canal through which the nectar is sucked up. The proboscis is coiled up like watch spring and kept beneath the head when it is not in use. By pumping of blood into galeae, the proboscis is extended. The other mouth parts are reduced or absent except the labial palpi and smaller maxillary palpi.
Last modified: Thursday, 17 November 2011, 9:43 AM