Shrubs are defined as woody or semi woody perennial plants, the branches of which arise from the base of the plant and grow up to a height ranging from 50 cm to 4 m.




  • They are important garden plants not only because of the large number of cultivated species and varieties but also due to the wide range of variation in the shape and size of the plants
  • They fit very well to home gardens in cities and towns.
  • Shrubs act as a foundation plant in the buildings.
  • Flowering can be seen throughout the year from one or other plant.
  • They can be used as a hedge, fencing and also for topiary e.g. Hibiscus, Divi Divi, Thevitia, Casuarina etc.
  • They can also be grown as potted plants.
I. Based on the use in the garden
  • Shrubs for showy or attractive flowers e.g. Hibiscus, Ixora, Mussanda, Night queen, Euphorbia etc.,
  • Shrubs for fragrance e.g. Jasmine, Rose, Nandiayavattai (Tabarnaemontura Coronaria), Pavalamalli (Nytanthes arbotristis) etc.
  • Shrubs for foliage e.g. Crotons, Polycias, Eranthemum, Graptophyllum etc.
II. Based on sunlight requirement
  • Open sunlight e.g. Hibiscus, Bougainvillea etc.
  • Partial sunlight e.g. Eranthemum, Polyscias, Pisonia, Graptophyllum etc.
  • Full shade e.g. Polyscias

Last modified: Friday, 22 June 2012, 12:53 PM