Development of Self help skills

Developmental assessment of Young children 4 (1+3)

Development of Self help skills

  • First Year: During first year the child is expected to have developed eye hand coordination, for example he should be able to grasp an object, bring it to his mouth for finger feeding. Feeding skills continue to develop as the child learns to hold a spoon, control drooling, chew appropriately, drink from a cup, suck from a straw, use spoon /fork. In terms of dressing and grooming the child develop skills like co operation and assistance in dressing himself or herself.
  • Second Year: Child learn to take off shoes and socks, try to put on their own clothes, Attempt to brush their teeth, participate in bathing activities.
  • Third Year: Begins to attempt buttons and snaps, Use better tooth brushing movements. Show desire to do things independently. Toileting skills are another area of importance during first three years of life.
    Sequence of skills in toilet training include child’s awareness of having wet or dirty diapers, becoming comfortable with sitting on a potty chair, communicating a need to go to the toilet, gaining control over bowels and bladder functioning.
Last modified: Wednesday, 9 November 2011, 5:37 AM