Where to start child care center

Entrepreneurship in Childcare Services 4 (2+2)

Lesson 4 : Need for Establishment of Child Care Centre as an Enterprise

Where to start child care center

A child-care business can easily be started in the home with just a few weeks of planning and a modest amount of startup cash. A commercially located center takes a greater investment of time, energy and money. The size and type of business one chooses will depend on start-up resources and goals for the future. Many child-care providers are satisfied with a one-person operation in their home that generates a comfortable income while allowing them to do work they enjoy (and possibly even care for their own children). Others may start at home and eventually move to a commercial site as the business grows. Still others begin in commercial locations and are either content with one site or have plans to expand.

Last modified: Wednesday, 1 February 2012, 10:40 AM