Methods of pollination

Methods of pollination

    • Vegetables may be grouped into four categories according to the way they pollinate
    Group 1.
    • Vegetables in Group 1 have flowers that can receive only their own pollen. They are called self-pollinizers.
    Examples Bush, pole and lima beans



    English and Southern peas

    Group 2.
    • Vegetables in Group 2 form seed only with pollen from an unrelated plant.
    Examples cabbage

    Group 3
    • The cross-pollinated vegetables in Group 3 may either set seed from their own pollen (self-pollinated) or from pollen received from another plant (cross-pollinated). They can be divided into two sub-groups: (A) vegetables pollinated by air-borne pollen and (B) vegetables pollinated by insect-borne pollen.
    Examples (A) usually pollinated by air-borne pollen:
    Beets corn
    carrots onions
    celery spinach
    Swiss chard

    Examples (B) usually pollinated by insect-borne pollen:
    broccoli kale parsnip
    Brussels sprouts kholrabi hot pepper
    cauliflower lettuce sweet pepper
    citron muskmelon pumpkins
    collards mustard rutabaga
    cucumbers okra squashes
    eggplant parsley watermelons

    Group 4
    • Vegetables in Group 4 have both male and female plants. Seeds are formed only when male plants furnish pollen.
    Examples asparagus


    some hybrid cucumbers

    • Pollination may occur between vegetable cultivars, creating new cultivar varieties. For example, plants in the Cucurbitaceae or gourd family belong to four species among which crosses may occur. The success of such crossing depends on the species to which a variety belongs.

    • Plants belonging to the Cucurbitaceae family produce separate male and female blooms on the same plant. Insects are usually required to cross-pollinate blooms. Pumpkins and squashes do not cross-pollinate with cucumbers, watermelons or citron. Watermelons and citron both belong to the genus Citullus and, therefore, will cross-pollinate each other. Muskmelons and Casaba melons will cross since they are both in the genus Cucumis and also in the same species, melo.

Last modified: Sunday, 1 April 2012, 8:58 PM