Test for equality of two Means ( Independent Samples)

Test for equality of two Means ( Independent Samples)

    • Given two sets of sample observation x11,x12,x13…x1n , and x21,x22,x23…x2n of sizes n1 and n2 respectively from the normal population.
    • 1.Using F-Test , test their variances
    • (i)Variances are Equal
    • Ho:., µ1=µ2
    • H1 µ1≠µ2 (or µ1<µ2 or µ1>µ2)

Test statistic

where the combined variance
The test statistic t follows a t distribution with (n1+n2-2) d.f.

(ii)Variances are unequal and n1=n2
It follows a t distribution with s

(i)Variances are unequal and n1≠n2
  • This statistic follows neither t nor normal distribution but it follows Behrens-Fisher d distribution. The Behrens – Fisher test is laborious one. An alternative simple method has been suggested by Cochran & Cox. In this method the critical value of t is altered as tw (i.e) weighted
  • where t1is the critical value for t with (n1-1) d.f. at a dspecified level of significance and
  • t2 is the critical value for t with (n2-1) d.f. at a dspecified level of significance and

Last modified: Monday, 19 March 2012, 9:22 PM