Elements of Communication

Elements of Communication

  • In the context of agricultural and rural development extension worker/extension functionaries/change agent is the communicator who starts the process of communication. The extension worker and mass media like radio are sometimes visualised as sources or originators of message, which is not correct. Knowledge generates through research and as such the research institutes, research projects.
  • Agricultural Universities are the originators or sources of message. The extension worker obtains the required information from research and carries it to the audience, the farmers. To enhance the process, he may take the help of some aids, known as audio-visual aids. He also carries back the reactions of the farmers, their problems etc. as feedback information to research for finding out solutions for the same.
  • The credibility of the communicator and the organisation he represents is important for effective communication. Credibility means trust worthiness and competence. Before the audience accepts any message will judge whether communicator and the organisation can be relied on and is competent enough to give the information, who tells is, therefore, very important in extension communication.
    The characteristics of a good communicator are
    He knows
    i. His objectives –have them specifically defined.
    ii. His audience – their needs, interests, abilities, predispositions
    iii. His message – its content, validity, usefulness, importance
    iv. Channels that will reach the audience and their usefulness
    v. How to organise and treat his message
    vi. His professional abilities and limitations.
    He is interested in
    i. His audience and its welfare
    ii. His message and how it can help people
    iii. The results of communication and their evaluation
    iv. The communication process
    v. The communication channels – their proper use and limitations.
    vi. How to improve his communication skills.
    He prepares
    i. A plan for communication – a teaching plan
    ii. Communication materials and equipments
    iii. A plan for evaluation of results
    He has a skill in
    i. Selecting messages
    ii. Treating messages
    iii. Expressing messages – verbal and written
    iv. The selection and use of channels
    v. Understanding his audience
    vi. Collecting evidence of results.
    Poor communicators on the other hand
    1. Fail to have ideas to present that are really useful to the audience
    2. Fail to give the complete story and show its relationship to people’s problems.
    3. Forget that time and energy are needed to absorb the material presented.
    4. Feel they are always clearly understood
    5. Refuse to adjust to close minds
    6. Talk while others are not listening
    7. Audience understanding
    8. Fail to recognise others view point and develop presentation accordingly.
    9. Fail to recognise that communication is a two way process.
    10. Let their own biases over influence the presentation
    11. Fail to see that everyone understand questions brought up for discussions.
    12. Fail to provide a permissive atmosphere
    13. Disregard the values, customs, prejudices and habits of people with whom they attempt to communicate.
    14. Fail to start where people are, with respect to knowledge, skill, interest and need.

Last modified: Friday, 13 January 2012, 6:11 AM