Historical background

Family and Child Welfare 3 (3+0)

Lesson 1 : Introduction to Family and child Welfare

Historical background

In olden days, child welfare programmes and activities covered are to save children from being utilized as a slaves by rich people. In the pre independence period child and family welfare programmes included education and maternity and children services. The international children’s charter lays foundation need for creating conditions under which children could grow as healthy adults. This was implemented in the country through various child and family development services. After independence child welfare focused some place in the programme of development and provision of social services. Extension of general and medical and health services to the rural areas particularly through the programme of maternity and child welfare, Welfare extension projects, central social welfare board. Under the chairman ship of Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, the formulations of five year began. The major responsibility for developing child welfare services was placed on voluntary agencies.

  • During first plan, emphasis was given to strengthening of the infrastructure of various national level voluntary agencies. Working in the field of child development. Maternal and health services were in the forefront of the health programme during the plan period.
  • The second plan has given greater stress on services for handicapped children creating additional facilities to educate and training teachers with respective field.
  • The third plan stressed the importance of welfare services being community and family oriented.
  • The fourth plan gives highest priority to family planning programme where the schemes for immunization of children and mothers were under the plan for is stimulated and non institutional services for destitute children.
  • During the 7th plan health mutation and family planning were integrated and children being a vulnerable group were provided special attention and a lot of programme was made through the integrated child development services scheme.
  • During the 8th plan has given greater importance to provide for the basic infrastructural facilities like education for all, safe drinking water, primary health care for all children.
  • Tenth five tear plan has concentrated greatly on All children in India in school by 2003 and all children to complete 5 years of schooling by 2007.

Against this background of development of child and family Government has taken various important, steps to provide a very swing frame work for development of different child welfare programmes to reach all sections of the population in an urban and tribal areas. A integrated coordinated efforts by the Government and voluntary agencies will bring about a significant improvement in the quality and quantity of services for children.

Realizing the importance of human race is development, child welfare /development has been the concern of United nation’s agencies and other international organizations. The united Nation’s concern for child development arises out of the declaration of the rights of the child which was unanimously adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 20th November, 1959. The declaration states that all children should have the right to

Finally the declaration emphasis that the child shall be brought up in a spirit of understanding tolerance, friendship, among people , peace and universal brotherhood.

Last modified: Friday, 20 April 2012, 1:03 PM