Child Protection strengthens Human Development

Family and Child Welfare 3 (3+0)

Lesson 4 : Millennium Development Goals and Child Protection

Child Protection strengthens Human Development

The Millennium Declaration addresses child protection explicitly. If we examine the MDGs closely, it is evident that not a single goal can be achieved unless the protection of children becomes an integral part of programming strategies and plans across sectors. Preventing and addressing violence, abuse, and exploitation is part of achieving the MDGs. Failing to protect children from such issues as violence in schools, child labour, harmful traditional practices, the absence of parental care or commercial sexual exploitation squanders the nation’s most precious resource. Reaching the most vulnerable and isolated and marginalized populations helps ensure the health and well-being of all which is indispensable to achieving the MDGs. A comprehensive programming approach to child protection brings us closer to the human development approaches especially in terms of good governance, human rights, gender, security, social protection and the rule of law.

Last modified: Monday, 13 February 2012, 6:07 AM