Checklist to observe the language development of infants (7-12 months)


Module 2: Observation and Recording the Development of Infants (birth – 12 months)
in different Child Care Centers

Checklist to observe the language development of infants (7-12 months)

Child’s Name:

Date of Birth:

Code for checklist skills:
1= We have observed your child achieving this skill
2= Your child needed the help of a care giver to achieve this skill.
3= We have not observed your child achieving this skill.

Sl No Activities Code Remarks
1 Responds to own name

2 Recognizes the words "mama", "dada", and "bye-bye"

3 Recognizes family members' names

4 Appears to listen to conversations of others

5 Responds to request "come here"

6 Uses vocalizations and gestures to protest

7 Shouts to gain attention

8 Attends to music and singing

9 Maintains attention to speaker

10 Waves bye-bye

11 Has complex babbling of many sounds strung together

12 Vocalizes two syllable combinations, like "ma-ma"

Last modified: Friday, 16 December 2011, 7:22 AM