Practical-9:Observation of motor and cognitive development of infants (13-18 months)


Module 3: Observation and Recording the Development of Infants (13 to 24 months) in different Child Care Centers

Practical-9:Observation of motor and cognitive development of infants (13-18 months)

Observation of motor development of infants (13 -18 months)

Introduction: Most infants can walk with good coordination and have more control over the bodily movements. Prehension skills too improve. They are constantly curious about the world around them and would like to explore it using all their senses. Vocabulary increases from single words to connected words and some infants can even use simple phrases and sentences. They can take simple verbal directions.

The care-givers need to provide a rich environment with lots of play material and picture books. She needs to talk to the child, sing and tell simple stories. Play in outdoor area for improving large muscle coordination can be started at this age. The child needs to be toilet trained. The child needs to be encouraged in developing independence-feeding himself, toileting, winding up an activity as the toddler wants to do things for himself.

Aim: To observe the motor development of infants in the age range of 13 -18 months


  1. To understand the motor development l of infants (13 -18 months).
  2. To develop the skill to observe the motor development of infants in the age range of 12 -18 months.

Checklist to observe the motor development of infants 13 -18 months)

Last modified: Friday, 16 December 2011, 7:25 AM