

    Time of Sowing
    Optimum time of sowing is one of the important non-monetary inputs for raising crop production. It is decided by the onset of monsoon rains. Second fortnight of June is the optimum time for realizing higher yields from rainfed uplands.

    Seed Rate
    Seed rates of 70-90 kg/ha for drilling and 100-120 kg/ha for broadcasting is recommended.

    Inter-row spacing of 20 cm and intra-row spacing of 10-15 cm is being followed.

    Method of Sowing
    Farmer’s traditional practice of broadcasting method of sowing results in uneven stand. Dibble seeds behind the plough at proper depth (5 cm) proved superior in establishing optimum crop stand.Row seeding can be done by making furrows with a country plough and seeding in those furrows. Line sowing is better method than broadcasting as it ensures better crop stand and facilitates easy mechanical weed control.Alternatively seed drills may be used for establishing good crop stand

    Fig: Seed drill.
Fig: Seed drill.
    Fig: Rice field.
Fig: Rice field.
Nutrient Management
Most of the uplands are poor in fertility status. Due to higher elevation and light textured soils, percolation losses may result in low availability of N due to excessive leaching. Application of well decomposed farm yard manure is very essential to increase the water holding capacity of soil and supply of nutrients.

Application of 10 tons of farm yard manure, 40-60kg of nitrogen, 30kg of phosphorus and 30kg of potassium per hectare helps in improving the yield. If the soils are acidic in nature a dose of 1.5 t/ha oflime application will improve the yield of rice.

Weed Management
In upland rice weed competition is more. Weeds emerge along with rice crop and compete with it for light, nutrients, moisture and space. First 30-40 days period is considered critical for crop-weed competition.

Hand weeding or hoeing twice at 20 and 40 days of sowing effectively control the weeds. Application of pre-emergence herbicides Pendimethalin or Butachlor @1.5-3.0kg/ha or Anilophos @0.4-0.5kg/ha and post-emergence herbicide Propanil @2-3kg/ha effectively control weeds.Integrated approach is very effective in controlling weeds.

Last modified: Thursday, 12 January 2012, 5:56 AM