

    By following improved cultivation practices, maize yields 5-6 t/ha of grain in case of hybrids and 4.5-5.0 tons in case of composites under irrigated conditions. In case of rainfed crop yield levels are about 2.0-2.5 tons for hybrids and 1.5-2.0 tons for composites.

    Cropping System
    Maize based crop rotations and intercrops followed are as follows.

    Crop Rotations: Maize - wheat, maize - potato, maize - potato - cowpea, maize - mustard, maize - barley, maize - ragi, maize - sunflower, maize - groundnut and maize - safflower.
    Intercrops: Maize+red gram, maize + soybean, maize + onion, maize + cowpea, maize + black gram, maize + green gram, maize + cluster bean, maize + sesame, maize + groundnut and maize + horse gram.
    Fig: Maize + Onion Fig: Maize + Soybean
    Fig: Maize + Onion Fig: Maize + Soybean

Last modified: Friday, 3 February 2012, 5:53 AM