Plant Protection

Plant Protection

    Insect Pests
    Stem Fly: It is causes 15-20 per cent reduction in yield. The larvae generally bore into the stem of soybean plant. The infected plants show partly dried and drooping leaves. Apply Thimmet 10 per cent granules @ 10 kg/ha in soil before sowing.

    Gridle Beetle:It may cause 50-60 per cent loss in crop yield. The beetle makes tunnels in stem. It can be controlled by applying 0.07 per centEndosulfan or Monocrotophos 0.4per cent.

    Bihar Hairy Caterpillar: Caterpillar feed on leaf epidermis. It causes heavy damage in soybean. This insect can be controlled by dusting 4.0per centEndosulfan dust @ 25 kg/ha at early stages and by spraying 0.07 per centEndosulfan or 0.4 per centMonocrotophs.

    Seedling Rot: This is a fungal disease. The disease results in poor seedling emergence because of seed rotting. The seed treatment with Thiram at 3.0 g/kg of seeds is beneficial.

    Pod Blight: This is also a fungal disease. The pods of affected plant turns yellowish green and later on dry up. The grain becomes shriveled and mould. Use of resistant varieties, sowing of crop in rotation and spray of 0.5 per centZineb can control the disease.

    Yellow Mosaic: It is a viral disease and transmitted by white fly (Bemisiatabaci). The disease is dangerous and widely spreads. The affected plant looks yellowish. Growing of resistant varieties such as Shilajit, removalof infected plants and burning them reduces the damage. Spray Metasystox 0.2per centat 10-15 days interval controls the vector effectively.

Last modified: Wednesday, 18 January 2012, 10:24 AM