Role of hormones on blood glucose

Clinical Nutrition
Lesson 23: Diabetes Mellitus- Role of hormones, classification

Role of hormones on blood glucose

Several hormones control blood glucose levels.

  • Insulin produced by the β cells of the Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas, increases the uptake of glucose by the various tissues. Insulin has been described as the key which unlocks the gate for glucose to enter the cells. In its absence glucose cannot enter a cell and its concentration in blood builds up.
  • Glucogan produced by the alpha cells of the pancreas increases the level of glucose in the blood.
  • Epinephrine and Cortisone also increase blood glucose levels.

Under normal circumstances all these hormones act together to maintain normal blood glucose levels. The blood glucose seesaw .

Diabetes is a chronic metabolic condition characterized by major derangements in the metabolism of glucose and abnormalities in metabolism of fat and protein.

An absolute or relative deficiency of insulin secreted by the beta cells of islets of langerhans can lead to diabetes.

Last modified: Saturday, 5 November 2011, 11:56 AM