Computer as a Design Tool

Apparel Industry Management 3(3+0)

Lesson 32 : Computer as a Design Tool

Computer as a Design Tool

In today’s fashion world designing starts with in the mind of a designer inspired by ‘things’ around create vision. These visions are later integrated into designs. When the designer develops the inspiration or vision to build a line, the computer can take over and work visions to life.

When computers were first introduced into the design field, many designers were afraid that their creativity would be hindered by using the computer. Some were afraid whether they would adapt to these fast growing technologies and maintain their designer status.

Soon after the introduction of design specific software, designers have understood that a computer is simply a tool. It is regarded as an extension of the designer’s hand as well as his or her creativity. The appropriate hardware and software are used in combination with the computer just like any other design media. As the designer masters several sketching & rendering media & techniques, the computer with its design applications should be thought as new medium that need to be mastered and included in the designer’s separation. The computer is simply & efficiently executes the designer’s ideas.

Throughout the apparel design process starting from concept to illustration, to production, drawings and presentations, the designer’s manipulation of these elements can range from simple to complex. The designer may choose to use the computer in any or all of the stages in the design process.

Any part of the design process that utilizes a computer as a tool falls under the CAD regime. It includes the graphical applications used for visualizing design as well as technical specifications. In Apparel and Textile units CAD technology covers broader areas of textile design and production, pattern making and marker making.

Computers are making their way into the design rooms of major companies. More than just automate business functions these computers are being used to create intricate designs. Designers and product managers are embracing CAD systems as the way to get their work done in a fraction of the time of traditional methods. Even more, CAD is seen as a way to streamline communication between design and production. Far from being an exotic tool for only high-end companies, CAD has become mainstream and a necessity. Computer Aided Designing is the process of designing from concept to final product with the help of computers.

Last modified: Thursday, 24 May 2012, 11:37 AM