Physiological Changes in the body

Normal and Therapeutic Nutrition 3(2+1)
Lesson 22:Diarrhoea- causes, complications

Physiological Changes in the body

  • Water constitutes about 75% at birth and 60% in later age of body weight.
  • Diarrhoea losses comes from ECF and replacement should be with sodium rich and low potassium solutions
  • Loss of the water from the body causes a reduction or shrinkage in the volume of extracellular compartment
  1. Excessive loss of sodium in diarrhoeal stools
    • Causes decline in serum and ECF sodium level (hyponatremia)
    • Osmolality of ECF fall causing movement of water from extra cellular to intracellular compartment
    • Decrease in blood volume due to depletion of extracellular compartment
    • Results in weak thready pulse and fall in blood pressure
    • Extremities appear cold due to low hydrostatic pressure in the renal glomeruli
    • Filtration of urine reduced
    • The quantity and frequency of urination falls down
  2. Excessive potassium lost through stools
    • Abdominal distension and hypotonicity of muscles
  3. Excessive bicarbonates loss
    • Breathing will be deep and rapid if base level of bicarbonates fall to 12m mol/l
  4. Diarrhoea with malnutrition:(Figure)

  5. Malabsorption of nutrients in viral diarrhea:(Figure)

Acute diarrhoea
Last modified: Monday, 24 October 2011, 11:41 AM