
Textile Science and Care 3(2+1)

Lesson 02 : Classification Of Fibres


Textile fibres are visible fundamental units from which fabrics are made. Fibres differ in size, colour, texture, source and many other properties. Some are long & others are short, some are scaly and some have crimp.

Few fibres were known and used by ancient civilizations. But with the introduction of man-made & synthetic fibres, a variety of fabrics came into the market. This created a lot confusion in the minds of consumers. So it became necessary to classify then in order to reduce the consumer’s confusion.

Previously this classification consisted of only three simple divisions of natural fibres such as vegetable, animal and mineral matter. Many systems of classification have been developed and used for many years. Today, as many fibres are in use, sub-classifications were also included.

Mainly the fibres can be classified according to length, fibre content, source of existence, the performance of fibres etc. Complicated classifications can be useful only to those who have acquired more knowledge in this field. Simple classification will help a consumer who is in the beginning of the process of learning textiles.

A knowledge of the class of textile fibres is the first step in learning about textiles & their classification will help in recognizing them in use. The classification which is given below is very simple and hard to forget. The names of the fibres given are the ‘generic’ names approved by Textile Fibre Products Identification Act 1960.

Last modified: Monday, 7 May 2012, 6:57 AM