
Audio Video Recording And Editing 4(1+3)

Lesson 03: Understanding The Components Of Sound


To understand the effects of sound and its use in television production, some of its components must be understood: pitch, timbre, harmonics, loudness, rhythm, and attack, sustain, decay, and speed. These nine compo­nents determine how sound is perceived. Modification or elimination of anyone or a combination of these elements can change the entire effect or even result in a totally different sound.

The frequency of a sound determines its pitch. Frequencies can be grouped as low (bass)-sounds of thunder and gunshots, midrange-a telephone ring, and high (treble)-small bells or even shrieks. Sounds of lower frequencies are powerful, sounds of midrange frequencies are ener­getic, and sounds of high frequency make their presence felt and add quality to the sound track. The human ear is most sensitive to midrange frequencies.

Last modified: Saturday, 21 April 2012, 7:45 AM