
Lesson 1 : Meaning and Concept of Communication


The word communication originates from the Latin word ‘Communis’ which means common. That means we share common thoughts, feelings and ideas with the person with whom we are communicating with a commonness of understanding.

Man is a social being and so is engaged in some or the other form of communication like talking to a person, reading news paper, watching TV or dreaming and thinking. All these are different forms of communication. It means that we are constantly exchanging ideas and thoughts with someone or the other or within oneself to satisfy our physical, emotional or social needs. We should also realize that we communicate not only through words, but gestures expressions, tone etc. It is therefore clear that communication is not merely exchange of words but is a very complex process. It is an integral part of one’s life and in fact society cannot service in the absence of communication.

Look at the situation given here:

You came to your course-in-charge for registration of acourse. You greeted and said “ Mam, may I come in?” (words). She nodded her head, seems to be saying “ yes, you can”, (body language) You kept your registration form in front of her for signature (expression) on which she signed (written words). She gave her register to you to record your name.

Thus you see that communication is a continuous process of giving and receiving information and of building up social relationships.

We make use of speech, writing, printed and pictorial matter, gestures and expressions and also of technical media like telegraphy, radio, television, computer etc. for communication.

Last modified: Wednesday, 18 January 2012, 7:17 AM