
Digital Advertising
Lesson 3: Elements of Digital Advertising

Message format

The advertising designer must develop a strong format for the message. Words, sounds and colour play a major role and their influence differs from radio to TV to print media. Following are some tips in deciding the format.

  • Style: Any message can be presented in any of the following different execution styles or a combination of them.
  • Slice of life: Shows one or more persons using the product in a normal setting. A family seated at the dinner table might express satisfaction with a new biscuit brand.
  • Life style: Emphasizes how a product fits' in with a lifestyle. A Scotch whisky ad shows a handsome middle-aged man holding a glass of Scotch whisky in one hand and steering his yacht with the other.
  • Fantasy: Creates a fantasy around the product or its use. Perfume ads commonly use fantasy to appeal to consumers.
  • Mood or image: Evokes a mood or image around the product such as beauty, love or serenity. No claim is made about the product except through suggestion.
  • Mood or image: Evokes a mood or image around the product such as beauty, love or serenity. No claim is made about the product except through suggestion.
  • Musical: Uses background music or shows one or more persons or cartoon characters singing a song involving the product. Many cola ads have used this format.
  • Personality symbol: Creates a character that personifies the product. The character might be animated or real.
  • Technical expertise: Shows the company’s expertise, experience and pride in making the product. For instance, ads for cars.
  • Scientific evidence: Presents survey or scientific evidence that the brand is preferred over or outperforms other brands. This style is common in over-the-counter drug category.
  • Testimonial evidence: This features a highly credible, likable or expert source endorsing the product. It could be a celebrity like Sachin or ordinary people saying how much they like the product.
  • Tone: The communicator must also choose an appropriate tone for the ad.
  • Words: Memorable and attention getting words must be found.

Last modified: Saturday, 29 October 2011, 6:52 AM