Feature assignments

Photo Journalism 4(1+3)
Lesson 5 : Assignments/Duties of Photojournalists

Feature assignments

Feature assignments are usually self-generated ones. The trouble with features, however, is that a photographer usually cannot anticipate where the assignment will take place.

A more mature photographer anticipates the need for a feature picture by the photo editor and has already selected a particular subject that is both visually interesting and filled with meaningful content.

Types of feature assignments
There are two types of feature assignments: human interest and pictorial.

  1. Human Interest
    These features show persons being natural and unique. The images cannot be anticipated. They are one of a kind moments that capture a person or group being them: odd, humorous, and natural. Cute kids, animals, and nuns are traditional subject cliches.

  2. Pictorials
    Traditionally, the pictorial is an outline of two standing, arm-Ill-arm lovers at sunset. Pictorials rely on the graphic elements of composition and lighting more than subject matter.
Last modified: Thursday, 16 February 2012, 11:21 AM