


The interview can form the basis of an article, a feature or a commentary. A very authentic way of gathering facts, figures and opinions on various issues is to interview the persons concerned. The interview is a very useful in put for all the media – print and electronic. It depends on how one would like to use an interview. It may be used as a programme to make the audience or reader get information or facts from the source directly.
  • Preparing for an interview
    The most important of the interview is to know the subject as completely as possible. It is imperative for the reporter to not only fully research the information he wants form his subject, but also the person behind it. He should also have all the essential background information on the interview which will help him to build an instant rapport with the interview.

  • Research
    It is most important to research the subject matter. It could be a subject in which the reporter neither has any interest nor adequate knowledge. But once he is fully armed with the basic and important information acquired through books, newspaper, journals or magazines, articles. He will be much more comfortable and should be successful in his venture.

  • Editing of Interview
    Two fundamental factors are to be remembered by all journalists. First, all interviews are subject to editing. So there is no harm in collecting more information than he can use. The information that he needs to be strengthen arrangement or to refuse another or to make a point, can be used at the appropriate place. The rest can be stored for use in the future.

  • Strategy
    It is important to establish contacts with the interviewee much in advance of the interview. More often than not, where important interviewer is concerned, these are the channels he has to go through. It could be the private secretary or the members of the family referred to as the “protector of the interviewee”.

    It is a hunt where he goes after a target and get it. Also one has to keep his senses on full alert and the antenna unfurled to each nuggets of news which have knock of falling from the lips of the interviewee at the most unexpected moments. One must let the interviewee do most of the talking.
Last modified: Tuesday, 3 January 2012, 8:42 AM