Types of training objectives

Lesson 5:Training objectives

Types of training objectives

There are two types of training objectives:

  • General Objectives
    General objectives means indication of what will be the overall impact of training programme on persons who are attending a particular training programme.

    For example – a general objective of training programme on “communication “will be to improve the communication skill of the participants. It is not clear from this general objective that which aspect of the communication skill will be improved.
  • Specific Objectives
    While formulating the specific objectives for a training programme, it has to be clearly specified that which aspect of the course will be improved. The specific objectives have to be formulated specifically either to improve the knowledge of the trainees or to develop skill or change the attitude in a particular subject of training. While formulating the specific objectives, it has to be borne in mind that a particular aspect of a training programme is in the focus.

    For example a training programme on “communication” the specific objectives may be formulated as mentioned below.

After attending the training programme on communication at least 60% participants will be able:

  • To enjoy communicating new technology to the people/famers/clients (objective for attitude).
  • To describe at least 5 important methods of communi­cation properly (objective for knowledge).
  • To use at least 3 important methods of communication successfully (objective for skill).
  • To use at least 3 important communication mediums successfully in field situation (objective for skill).
Last modified: Friday, 21 October 2011, 8:44 AM