Facilitation role of trainer

Lesson 10:Facilitation skills in training

Facilitation role of trainer

The facilitation role of the trainer includes:

  1. Knowing more and more about peoples learning styles.
  2. Training line managers how to train.
  3. Guiding executives in establishing strategic directions for the organization.
  4. Facilitating process improvement and/or teaching line managers how to do it.
  5. Constantly being in touch with employees and work processes and be aware of their skill needs.
  6. Acquiring in-depth knowledge of the organization and its mission/goals.
  7. Knowing information technology and explore the use of electronic training opportunities, including development of multi-media training programs (where feasible and appropriate).
  8. Entrench training as an integral activity in the organization.
  9. Facilitate problem-solving teams.
  10. Help managers to think through performance and solve them either through training or otherwise.
  11. Help trainees to think over their jobs.

The new role of the trainer calls for new skills which include:

  • Listening
  • Negotiating
  • Coaching
  • Facilitating small group interaction
  • Awareness of different learning styles.
  • Measuring and evaluating
  • Strategic planning
  • Problem solving
  • Facilitating organizational change and
  • Communication Skills
Last modified: Friday, 21 October 2011, 11:01 AM