Simple tumours


Epithelial neoplasms


Benign tumour: Papilloma of skin

 Note the finger-like projection with a core of connective tissue covered by a superficial layer of the squamous epithelium


Malignant tumour:  Squamous cell carcinoma

Note the characteristic cell nests or ‘pearls’ and groups of epithelial cells surrounded by fibrous tissue.

Mesenchymal neoplasms 


Benign tumour: Hard fibroma

Made up of well-developed fibrous connective tissue as bundles. Irregular arrangement of the bundles with small fusiform cells characterized by darkly stained nucleus and abundant collagen

Fibrosarcoma Mitosis

Malignant tumour: Fibrosarcoma

Note the bizarre arrangement of numerous cells of varying sizes with hyperchromatic nuclei and mitotic figures.

Last modified: Sunday, 18 December 2011, 7:04 AM