Meat consumption habits in different regions of the world


  • In Europe (Denmark, Belgium Holland and France) horseflesh forms an important item of human diet but in many other parts of world it is not so common.
  • People of Korea and some parts of North-Eastern India consume the flesh of dogs.
  • In Italy and Germany dogs were used in the past.
  • In the south and south East of Asia, south and south west of Europe and in India, buffaloes are used. Deer, wild boar, etc. are used as dainties.
  • Consumption of rabbit meat is rapidly increasing because of their quick turnover and better feed conversion ratio.
  • Swine especially, the exotic variety are increasingly used nowadays in India. 
  • Some tribal people of Africa consume flesh of hippopotamus, rhinoceros and elephants.
  • Diet of the Eskimos constitutes flesh of seal and polar bears.
  • In some remote areas of Africa, human flesh (Cannibalism) may also be consumed. Whale is used in Norway and Japan.
  • Fish, snakes, crabs, prawns, lobsters, frogs, molluscs, etc., form the aquatic source of meat in different parts of the globe.
  • Frogs are consumed in China, Japan and U. S. A.
  • Non-domestic ones – deer, wild boars, antelopes, wild cats, etc., are consumed as game animals in different parts of the world.
  • Flesh of kangaroos is consumed in Australia.
  • In Africa and Russia, elands are being domesticated, as well as antelopes in Russia.
  • In South America large rodents, capybara, which is a semi-aquatic vegetarian, is being used as a source of meat, although it is not especially palatable.
Last modified: Thursday, 12 April 2012, 8:21 AM