Steps to improve the abattoirs


  • Construction of modern, improved slaughterhouses with facilities of all the elements of hygienic slaughter.
  • Butchers and consumers have to be educated to the idea of proper standards set up for their benefit.
  • An appreciation of hygiene and civil consciousness have to be developed to encourage healthy meat trade and discourage clandestine slaughter in the wake of little legislation.
  • Licences have to be enforced in regard to slaughter and other related factors with enforcement of illegal entry of unauthorised persons within the slaughter premises.
  • Proper disposal of slaughterhouse effluents and use of byproducts must be ensured.
  • The transportation of meat with adequate health coverage should be done for possible contamination or infestation of the meat. 
  • Entry of stray dogs / birds to the site of slaughter must be restricted.
  • Personnel hygiene of the butchers, cleanliness of the appliances, knives and use of phytochemicals must be ensured to uplift total hygienic standard of the concerned area and persons.
  • Improved abattoirs, staffed by skilled personnel, may lead to loss of employment by the groups of slaughterers, assistant slaughterers and sub-assistant slaughterers who carry out the actual slaughtering operations for the owner of the animals or for the butcher - for many butchers do not themselves perform this work.
  • The co-operation of the local authorities required to effect changes from obsolete to improved slaughtering system have to be ensured. 
  • The advantages that is achieved through changes have to be demonstrated periodically to the butchers, consumers and stakeholders in terms their respective profits.
Last modified: Tuesday, 11 October 2011, 10:10 AM