Facilities for Post-Mortem Inspection


  • Each inspection point should have well distributed lighting, which does not distort colours and at least 540-lux units (50-foot candles) in intensity.
  • In addition to the above, the major facilities like structural and mechanical facilities, which provide for good working conditions to enable carcasses and their parts to be delivered for inspection in a satisfactory manner.
  • There must be one or more hand-washing units (lavotories) with a supply of hot and cold running water, a mixing faucet, liquid soap and towels or roller toweling.
  • Sterilizers for the complete immersion of knives, saws, cleavers, etc., are essential.
  • These requirements must extend to the routine inspection points on the slaughter line and to the "detained" areas where further detailed examination is performed.
  • It is important that there should be coordination between inspection points and that those on the slaughter line be grouped to allow for correct identification of carcasses and viscera and recording of disease data. 
Last modified: Wednesday, 12 October 2011, 9:42 AM