Utilisation of meat,offal and organs


  • Abattoir offal and organs can be utilized as stock feed simply by boiling, which renders them safe to feed to livestock.
  • This has to be done in the following way.
    • All inedible offal, including the condemned parts, is put into a kettle or into oil or petrol drums, which have been split along their longitudinal axis.
    • If the intestinal tract is used, it must first be thoroughly cleaned and washed.
    • Water, to one and a half time to the weight of the offal, is to be added.
    • The contents are boiled for one hour.
    • All the meats from the bones scraped.
    • Bran, pollards or a similar product is added, equal in weight to the mass, and rigorously stained in.
    • The mixer after cooking for further half an hour should be of a thick porridge consistency, and equivalent to 10% of meat meal.
  • The disadvantages of processing of above method are:
    • The fat cannot be recovered and used separately.
    • The foodstuff obtained has poor keeping quality and must be used on the day of production or the following day.
  • If a pressure cooker is available, it can be used to digest the offal.
  • Bones present in the offal will yield up the gelatin but the bones must be removed after treatment.
  • The utilization of offal and/or condemned material is somewhat limited and inefficient unless livestock are available at the site.
  • So, a small abattoir might consider keeping pigs to utilize their processed offal.
Last modified: Thursday, 16 September 2010, 10:27 AM