Cultural and biochemical characters


  • It is a strict anaerobe, opt.temp is 30-370 C and pH is 7-7.6. Good growth occurs on ordinary media.
  • Surface colonies are large, irregular, and semitransparent with fimbriate border.
  • Spores are produced consistently when grown in alkaline glucose gelatin media at 20 to 25 0C.
  • In horse blood agar, large transparent colonies with irregular edges are developed with a narrow zone of haemolysis.
  • On sheep blood agar C.botulinum produce beta-haemolysis, the colonies are slightly domed with a ragged edge.
  • In cooked meat medium, the proteolytic strains type A, B and F produces blackening of meat and non-proteolytic strains C, D and E do not blacken meat.
  • Gelatin liquefied rapidly by type A&B and slowly or not at all by type C, D and E.
Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 4:26 AM