Natural Regeneration
- Very poor due to destruction of seeds by ants
- Young seedlings smothered by leaf collar
- Leaves are toxic and contain germination inhibitor
Artificial Regeneration
Seed collection and storage:
- Seeds should be collected from 10year old trees. Although fertile seed is available from young tree
- In a year two collection 1st - February-March and 2nd – October-November
- Capsules should be dries in shade for one day
- Gently shaken to clean the shells
- Dry and stored in tins at cool dry places
- 3,67,400 seeds weigh one Kg
Nursery techniques:
- Seed should be sown in raised nursery bed in the month of October-November or February-March
- Soil should be sterilized with Aldrex or BHC against termites
- Seed should be sown 20gm/m2 of bed in lines 10cm apart and 2.5mm deep
- Germination takes place within 5-15 days of sowing
- 60-75 seedlings are obtained from one gram of seeds
- Seedlings are pricked out when they attain a height of 4-8cm
- Pricking of seedling should be done in to polythene bag
- Polythene bags initially should be placed in shade for few days and then shifted in the open in sunken beds
- The seedlings are hand watered for some time and later the beds may be irrigated.
Planting out:
- The area to be planted is clear felled ploughing and properly soil working should be done
- In Terai areas of UP for the first year only cash crops are raised and plantings is done in the 2nd year
- Pit size should be 45cm3 or 30cm3
- For saline and alkaline soils large pit of 60cm3 with soil replacement with good soil are dug out at wider spacing
- Planting is done in July in areas subject to South-West Monsoon
- October-November in areas of North-East Monsoon
- Container/bag should be removed at the time of planting
- Watering and fertilizer application should be done in poor soils
- Casualties are beaten up immediately after planting in the first year
- In arid areas 3-4 watering in the first year produce good stock
- Spacing depends upon the objective of plantation
- Spacing varies: 1.8m × 1.8m – 3m × 3m
- For firewood/fuelwood : 1m × 1m or 1.5m × 1.5m
- For pulpwood/poles: 2m × 2m or 3m × 2m
- For saw log: 3m × 3m
- For Windbreaks and shelterbelts: 1.5m × 1.5m or 2m × 1m
- Clonal propagation has been attempted by means of Grafting, budding, air layering and soft wood cutting
- Propagules should be treated by IBA 10000ppm
- The selected plus tree are cut at about 12cm height from the ground level
- The coppice shoot are harvested between 45 days and 55 days after the tree has been cut
- The cut shoot are placed in a bucket of water transplanted to the nursery
- The length of cuttings vary from 10-15cm
- The base of the cuttings should be treated with 200ppm solution of Benlate Fungicide for 15-30minutes
- The base up to 2cm is treated with 6000ppm IBA diluted with talc powder
- The cuttings are planted in polythene tubes
- The growing media is vermiculite
- Cutting develop good root system within 5-6 weeks
Tending operations:
- Like weeding, fertilization thinning etc. Should be done time to time
Economic importance
(i) Pulp and fuel (ii) Pole for general purposes (iii) Leaves for oil
Last modified: Tuesday, 22 May 2012, 8:40 AM