7.3.10 Suggestions to promote sport fisheries

7.3.10 Suggestions to promote sport fisheries

  • Conservation measures for mahseer, snow-trout and allied fisheries may be framed and employed to check the depletion of these native fishes in these Himalayan resources.
  • Facilities like approach road to the fishing sites, rest camps, angler's hut etc. should be developed to allure maximum number of tourists and anglers.
  • To ensure the availability of game fishes in these aquatic resources seed production units and hatcheries may be established in the fishing areas.
  • Fast growing varieties of trouts should be transplanted in the upper reaches of glacial rivers.
  • Artificial propagation of mahseer and snow-trout may be taken up for large scale production of its seed to stock in all suitable waters in the area.
  • Extensive teaching programmes exposing various facets of fisheries in far flung localities be undertaken so that the local masses could also be benefited from the sustained fishery.
  • Fish acts and regulations may be adopted strictly so that the fishery of endangered fish species like mahseers and schizothoracids could be augmented.
  • Angling competitions may be organized with vast publicity by news media, pamphlets, audio and video visions etc. so that maximum number of tourists/anglers could visit the area.
Last modified: Wednesday, 30 November 2011, 7:15 AM