Force, work, power and energy

Force, work, power and energy

    Force : An invisible agent which always tries to change the state of the body. The unit for force in SI system is Newton (N) and in MKS system is Kg-f
    Work : When a force is applied to the body, it moves in the direction of the applied force, then work is said to be done. The unit for work is Newton- meters (N-m).               
                                           Work done = Force X Distance traveled ………….. N-m
    Power : It is the rate of doing work. The work done per unit time is called power and is expressed in N-m-Sec-1.
                                                                 Work done
                                         Power = ----------------------- ………………. N-m-Sec-1 or Watt
                                                               Time taken
    Energy: It is the capacity to do the work. The unit for energy is Joules or Calories or Kilo Watt or Horse Power.
    Horse Power: It is that amount of force which is capable or displacing 75 kg force through a distance of one meter in one second.
Last modified: Monday, 5 March 2012, 6:43 AM