Clinical significance
Blood urea nitrogen
High protein diet, dry food diet and canned food may lead blood urea concentration up to 10mg/dl and low protein diet result in decrease urea nitrogen.
Catabolic break down of tissue as a consequence of fever, trauma, infection and toxemia may result in moderate increase in urea concentration.
Anything which reduce glomerular filteration rate (GFR) will cause an increase in blood urea nitrogen.
Alteration in fluid balance influences urea nitrogen.
Increase BUN may be seen in haemorrhage in gastrointestinal tract.
Iatrogenically increased, when administration of drugs that increase protein catabolism or that decrease protein anabolism.
In cardiovascular disease, dehydration and hypoadrenocorticism pre renal uremia is most common as the renal flow is reduced in such condition.
The increase level of creatinine indicates functional impairment of kidney.
Last modified: Wednesday, 16 May 2012, 7:32 AM