National Horticulture Board (NHB)

National Horticulture Board (NHB)

    • To encourage, promote and develop the Horticulture Industry.
    • To stimulate and support the growth of the diverse activities of the Horticulture Industry.
    • To advance the economic and social-well being of the farmers of growers in need of such advancement.
    • To assist the establishment and maintenance of growers and farmers' societies and other similar institutions as part of the development of Horticulture Industry.
    • To coordinate the activities of different departments, and organisations at the Central and the State level engaged in activities pertaining to Horticulture Industry.
    • To assist in the establishment and growth of infrastructure for the development of postharvest technology and development of market intelligence and information system.
    • To institute and implement the Horticulture Development Programme or Project in the interests of the development and progress of the Horticulture Industry.
    • To encourage the participation of small and marginal farmers and growers in Horticulture
    • Development Programmes so that they become beneficiaries of the growth of the Horticulture Industry.
    • To provide technological, financial and other assistance in organisations of consultancy services, preparation, monitoring and evaluation of Projects, relating to the Horticulture Industry, including but not limited to, transfer of improved technology for production, processing, quality control and marketing and matters allied or incidental thereto.
    • To promote integrated development of the Horticulture Industry with particular reference to potato, onion, tomato, cauliflower, cabbage, ginger, turmeric, apple, pineapple, mango, grape and citrus fruits and other Horticultural crops on priority basis.
    • To take appropriate measures for assisting farmers and growers to get incentive prices but having due regard to the interest of consumers.
    • To organise Udyan Pandit competitions, fruit shows award prizes and incentives to fruit and vegetable growers, farmers and manufactures of horticultural and other allied products.
    • To assist, encourage, promote, coordinate and finance horticultural, technological, industrial or economic research on horticulture and its products and setting up the required ancillary facilities.
    • To organize programmes for training of personnel engaged in Horticulture Development including training of Extension Staff.
    • To co-operate with Food and Agricultural Organization and other international agencies and organizations for the purpose of exchange of technical knowhow and financial assistance.
    • To prepare feasibility studies on marketing, processing plants, cold storage, transportation system for raw and processed perishable horticultural products and other related fields and undertake designing, planning and setting up on project on these basis.
    • To undertake publicity and dissemination of improved methods of horticultural technology.
    • To assist and advise in the matters of transportation of perishable horticultural products to consumers.
    • To establish and maintain liaison with the Railways, Ministry of Shipping and Transport and other concerned departments and organizations, as considered appropriate.
    • To import equipments and expertise as and when required for the development of Horticulture Industry.
    • To acquire and accept, grant, gifts, donations, subscriptions and contributions from any source whatever, including but not limited to, the Central Government for the furtherance of the objects of the Society.
    • To create, establish, maintain and operate funds with the money and securities received from the Central Government, any State Government, banking and financial institutions, voluntary and international organizations and agencies by way of grant, donation, in addition to other money, income and securities earned and acquired by the Society in any other manner for promotion of the objects of the Society.
    • To utilize a part or whole of such funds towards the capital and recurring expenditure of the Society.
    • To make investments or deal with the funds in any other way the Society may find it necessary for the purpose of its objects.
    • To acquire by way of purchase or gift or to take on lease or hire or otherwise any movable or immovable property.
    • To sell, assign, mortgage, lease, exchange, transfer, or otherwise deal with all or any property, movable or immovable, of the Society as it may consider necessary.
    • To own, develop renovate, expand or alter any building movable or immovable property in the possession of the Society in the way as necessary and take action for proper maintenance of any such property.
    • To borrow or raise funds from any source with securities or without securities or otherwise, however in such manner as the Society shall deem fit.
    • To draw, accept make, endorse, discount, execute, sign, issue or otherwise deal with cheques, hundies, drafts, certificates, receipts, Government

Last modified: Tuesday, 8 May 2012, 10:24 AM