

    • When the data are classified based on the class intervals it can be represented by a histogram. Histogram is just like a simple bar diagram with minor differences. There is no gap between the bars, since the classes are continuous. The bars are drawn only in outline without colouring or marking as in the case of simple bar diagrams. It is the suitable form to represent a frequency distribution.

    • Class intervals are to be presented in x axis and the bases of the bars are the respective class intervals. Frequencies are to be represented in y axis. The heights of the bars are equal to the corresponding frequencies.


    Draw a histogram for the following data
    Seed Yield (gms) No. of Plants
    2.5-3.5 4
    3.5-4.5 6
    4.5-5.5 10
    5.5-6.5 26
    6.5-7.5 24
    7.5-8.5 15
    8.5-9.5 10
    9.5-10.5 5


Last modified: Thursday, 15 March 2012, 10:46 PM