Principles of Programme Planning

Principles of Programme Planning

    1. Factual Situation
    Data should be reliable and collected from villagers themselves and are aware of their own problems.
    2. Level of the people
    Programme should include maximum number of people through assigned responsibility, leadership and participation.
    3. Comprehensiveness
    Programme should be oriental to community groups; this will ensure greater participation of the people in the execution of the programme.
    4. Educational
    It should be educational directed towards encourage people to solve their own problems. Individuals and collectively.
    5. Democratic Approach
    Programme should be grown on the lines of democrat principles with participation of all the members of the group.
    6. Organisation
    Village organisation should be used as tolls to accomplish the osectives.
    7. Voluntary leadership
    Maximum use of voluntary leadership in the process of both planning and execution of the programme.
    8. Flexibility: Planning should be flexible and it must have definite
    Objective of the programme each objective should be significant and economical to the people. It should be flexible to meet long & short time needs.
    9. Recognition of needs
    The programme should go for solutions which meet recognised needs.
    10. Objectives
    Should be clearly defined at the levels in terms of people will understand.
    11. Evaluation
    A good programme provides for evaluation of results.
    12. Well trained personnel:
    Programmes should be carried on the well trained personnel and effectively supervised.
    13. Achievable
    The programme should be achievable considering such factors as personnel, cost, time, facilities.

Last modified: Friday, 13 January 2012, 6:19 AM