Multimedia Authoring Tools

Multimedia Authoring Tools
    Introduction to Multimedia Authoring Tools
    • Provide the framework for organizing and editing the elements of a multimedia project.
    • Provides an integrated environment for combining the content and functions of a project.
    • Enables the developer to create, edit, and import data
    • Including various image formats, movies, and
    • digitized sounds (including voice annotations).
    • Spreadsheets can include embedded objects made with other applications.
    • A FileMaker Pro employee database can include image and sound resources.
    • Microsoft PowerPoint provides multimedia linking and embedding features.
    Types of Authoring Tools
    • Card- or page-based tools.
    • Icon-based, event-driven tools.
    • Time-based tools.
    Card-based or page-based tools
    • The elements are organized as pages of a book or a
    • stack of cards.
    • Card-or page-based authoring systems
      • best used when the bulk of your content consists of elements that can be viewed individually the pages of a book or cards in a card file.
      • link these pages or cards into organized sequences.
      • jump, on command, to any page play sound elements and launch animations and digital video.
    Icon-or object-based, event-driven tools
    • multimedia elements and interaction cues ( events) are organized as objects in a structural framework or process.
    • simplify the organization of your project
    • display flow diagrams of activities along branching paths.
      • In complicated navigational structures, this charting is particularly useful during development.
    Time-based tools
    • Elements and events are organized along a timeline with high resolutions.
    Time-based tools
    • best to use when you have a message with a beginning and an end.
    • played back at a speed that you can set
    • Other elements (such as audio events) are triggered at a given time or location in the sequence of events.
    • Jumps to any location in a sequence navigation and interactive control.
    Introduction to Multimedia Authoring Tools
    • Authoring system in multimedia.
    • Features of authoring tools.
    Authoring System in Multimedia
    • Multimedia elements and events are often regarded as objects.
    • Objects exist in a hierarchical order of parent and child relationships.
    • Each object is assigned properties and modifiers.
    • On receiving messages, objects perform tasks
    depending on the properties and modifiers.
    The Right Tool for the Job
    Different Stages of Authoring
    • What do you need to do and what do you use to do it?
    • Create storyboards to tell the story of the project.
    • Incorporate data and set it up as a prototype or model.
    • When the prototype application works the way you want it to, test it again, fine-tune it,and then review your work.
    • When it is ready to go (after the evaluation phase), make it real Package and distribute it.
    Features of Authoring Tools
    • Editing and organizing features.
    • Programming features.
    • Interactivity features.
    • Performance tuning and playback features.
    • Delivery, cross-platform, and Internet playability features.
    Editing and Organizing Features
    Editing tools
    • to create, edit, and convert multimedia elements such as animation and video clips.
    • The organization, design, and production process for multimedia involves storyboarding and flowcharting.
    • Visual flowcharting or overview facility illustrates project structure at a macro level.
    Programming Features
    • Visual programming with icons or objects
    • the simplest and easiest authoring process. Authorware and IconAuthor suitable for slide shows and presentations.
    • Authoring tools offer ‘very high level language’ (VHLL) or interpreted scripting environment.
    Interactivity Features
    • the end user control over the content and flow of information
    • Simple branching
    • go to
    • Conditional branching
    • IF-THEN decisions or events.

Last modified: Sunday, 8 January 2012, 9:56 PM