Methods of Cropping

Methods of Cropping

    Monocropping /Sole Cropping: One crop or variety is grown alone in pure stands at normal density season after season or year after year in the same field.
    Mono Cropping.
    Multiple Cropping: Cultivation of two or more crops on the same piece of land in a year.The intensification of cropping is in terms of time and space dimensions. Multiple cropping systems can be classified as follows.
    A. Sequential cropping
    B. Intercropping
    C. Mixed cropping

    Sequential Cropping: Growing of two or more crops in sequence on the same piece of land in the same year.The succeeding crop is planted or sown only after harvest of the preceding crop. The crop intensification is only in terms of time dimension. Farmers will manage only one crop at a time.

Last modified: Wednesday, 4 January 2012, 9:32 AM