Weed Management

Weed Management

    Most common weeds found in sorghum fields are Amaranthusviridis, Euphorbia macrocephylla, Phyllanthusniruri, Commelinabenghalensisamong broad leaf weeds;Cyperusrotondus, Cynodondactylon, Sorghum halepense, Dactylocteniumaegyptium amonggrassy weeds.

    First 30-40 days after sowing is considered as critical period for weed competition.Inter row weeds may be controlled mechanically by running blade harrow, but intra row weeds remain. Hand weeding with khupior hand hoe is most common practice. Two hand weedings at 15 and 30 days after sowing effectively control the weeds. Both in inter and intra row weeds can be controlled by using herbicides efficiently. Pre-emergence application of atrazine or Simazne @ 0.25-0.75 kg/ha and post-emergence application of 2,4-D @ 0.50-0.75 kg/ha 15-20 days after sowing direct spraying in between rows control the weeds effectively.

    Striga (Strigalutea)a parasitic weedcauses 15-100 per cent loss depending on severity of infestation. Following are the ways to check its infestation and control.
    1. Grow Striga resistant varieties as Co-20, N-13 etc.
    2. Crop rotation with trap crops as cotton, sunflower and groundnut, destroys theseeds and minimize the losses.
    3. In standing crop, hand pulling when population is less or spraying 2.0 kg 2,4-D sodium salt asdirected spray check its infestation and damage.

Last modified: Wednesday, 18 January 2012, 4:01 AM