

    Soybean contains 40 per cent high quality protein and 20 per cent oil. Soybean protein is rich in valuable amino acid lysine (5%) which is deficient in most of the cereals. In addition, it contains a good amount of minerals, salts and vitamins (thiamine and riboflavin) and its sprouting grains contain a considerable amount of vitamin C. Vitamin A is present in the form of precursor carotene which is converted into vitamin A in the intestine.

    Enriching cereal flour with soybean improves nutritive quality. Soybean contains less starch, thus, it is good for diabetic patient. Bread, chapati, milk, sweets, palav etc., can be prepared with soybean. Wheat flour fortified with soybean flour makes good quality and more nutritious chapati. Soybean is used for making high protein food for children.

    Its oil is used as cooking medium and also for making vanaspati ghee.The industrial uses include soymilk, soya flour, soya cake, biscuits, varnish, paints, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. One kilogram of bean may yield 5-6 kg of soymilk. Approximately 85 per cent of soybean produced is utilized for oil extraction, 10 per cent for seed and 5.0 per cent for food.

    Soybean plant is used as fodder; forage can be made into hay, silage, etc. Its forage and cake are excellent nutritive foods for livestock and poultry. Soybean builds up the soil fertility by fixing atmospheric nitrogen through root nodules, and also through leaf fall on the ground at maturity.

Last modified: Wednesday, 18 January 2012, 9:33 AM