Nutrient Management

Nutrient Management

    Farm yard manure (FYM) is used at 12-15 t/ha. FYM is spread on the ground and ploughed down deep with a soil turning plough 10-20 days before sowing, so that proper decomposition of the applied manure takes place in the soil.

    1. Nitrogen: Gram being a leguminous crop meets its major nitrogen requirement (about 75%) meets through the process of symbiotic nitrogen fixation. However, soils with low organic matter and poor nitrogen supply may require 15-20 kg N/ha as starter dose, which can meet plant requirement before the formation of nodules.
    2. Phosphorus: The responses of gram to phosphorus are conspicuous. In general, the responses to applied P ranging from 40 to 60 kg P2O5/ha have been positive.
    3. Potassium: The responses to K are generally small and seldom significant because of the higher K status of the Indian soils. In soils deficient in K, application of 20 kg K2O/ha is recommended.
    4. Micro Nutrients: Among the micronutrients, zinc and iron play an important role in gram production. Application of 25 kg ZnSo4/ha at the time of sowing along with the macro nutrients is recommended. The effect of Fe is more pronounced in the presence of Zn. One spray of two per cent FeSo4 solution 30 days after sowing is recommended for improving the productivity of gram.

Last modified: Friday, 20 January 2012, 6:36 AM