Weed Management

Weed Management

    The gram crop is sensitive to weed competition than many other crops. The first 4-6 weeks are most critical for weed competition and the reduction is grain yield may vary 40 to 90 per cent depending on the intensity and type of weed flora.

    About 60 weed species are reported to infest gram fields. Among annuals, Chenopodium album, Melilotusindica, Lathyrusaphaca, Medicagosp., Trichodesmaindicum and among perennials Convolvolusarvensis are common weeds in gram fields.Chenopodiun album is the most important weed of gram in India.

    Weeding by mechanical methods includes the use of hand chisel (khurpi), hand hoe, wheel hoe, etc. Since the competition is more in the initial growth stage, two hand weedings(3 to 4 weeks and 6 to 8 weeks after sowing) should be done. Under the conditions where weeds reappear following late rains or delayed irrigation, a third weeding may also be needed around 9 to 12 weeks after sowing. In view of the limitations of mechanical methods of weed control, chemical control merits appropriate consideration.Pre-emergence application of Prometryn @ 0.50 kg/ha or Alachlor @1.50 kg/ha and post-emergence application of Methabenzthiazuron @ 1.50 kg/ha found to be effective in controlling weeds.

Last modified: Friday, 20 January 2012, 6:40 AM