Plant Protection

Plant Protection

    Insect Pests
    Pod Borer:The young larva of this insect enter the pod and feed the developing grains. It is the most serious pest of red gram and causes on average 10-80 per cent damage every year. It may be controlled by spraying of 0.07 per cent Endosulfan or 0.04 per cent Monocrotophos.
    Pod Fly:It is a most serious pest of red gram in north India. Damage varies from 20-60 per every year. Spraying the crop with 0.04 percent Monocrotophos or 0.03 per cent Dimethoateemulsion has proved effective in controlling the insects.

    Pod Bug: The adults and nymph of this insect suck the sap from the leaves, buds, flowers and pods. Pods become shrivel and deformed. It can be controlled by spraying of 0.04 per cent Monocrotophos or 0.03 per cent Dimethoate or by dusting 4.0 per centEndosulfan.

    Wilt:The leaves of the affected plants become yellowish in colour followed by dropping and finally whole plants dries up. Being a soil-borne disease, its chemical control is not possible. However, some precautionary measures such as collecting and burning the plant trashes left after harvesting, following a 3-4 years crop rotation and mixed cropping with sorghum and selection of disease resistantvarietiesof red gram may be helpful in reducing the incidence of this disease.

    Stem Rot:The affected plants show formation ofbrown to dark brown lesions on the stem near the soil surface. Selection of disease resistant varieties and cultivation of red gram on well drained fields may be taken as precautionary measures.

    Leaf Spots: There are several types of spots on the leaves and petioles of affected plants. These leaves start drying and in severe cases defoliation may take place. Spraying of Dithane M-45 of 0.3 per cent concentration may be helpful in controlling the disease.

    Sterility Mosaic:This disease is caused by sterility mosaic virus. It is transmitted from one plant to another by vector. The affected plants become pale green in colour and the size of leaves is reduced. Diseased plants fail to flower and no yield is obtained from such plants. Suitable control measure has not so far been worked out. However, repeated sprayings of systemic insecticide such as Metasystox etc. is recommended to control the mites.

Last modified: Monday, 23 January 2012, 5:02 AM