
Clinical Nutrition
Lesson 9:Gastro intestinal tract diseases


Gastrointestinal contrast studies using radiography are often crucial in making the correct initial diagnosis, in outlining the site and extent of the disease or in indicating whether further investigation is required. X-ray interpretations in many cases rely upon subtle but characteristic findings.

  • Involves the use of X rays.
  • Usually the most readily available imaging method for GI disorders.
  • Can detect dilated, air filled loops of intestine.
  • Can also be used to identify benign and malignant ulcers.
  • Problems like sprue, disaccharide deficiency, small bowl diseases, diverticular, enteropathis and adenomas etc can be examined and diagnosed.
  • Barium sulphate suspension, a radio opaque contrast material is administered to the patient and entire gastrointestinal tract is visualized using X rays.
  • Motility, gastric emptying, general muscle tone can also be seen by this procedure.
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Last modified: Thursday, 3 November 2011, 8:05 AM