Certain factors which could lead to constipation are

Clinical Nutrition
Lesson 16: Constipation

Certain factors which could lead to constipation are

  • Low intake of water: As the food passes through the colon water is reabsorbed from it. If water intake is already low, this causes the stools to become hard and dry and difficult to evacuate.
  • Excessive use of laxatives and certain other drugs can eventually lead to constipation.
  • Loss of muscle tone of intestinal muscles, as in the elderly, can also lead to constipation.
  • Lack of sufficient physical exercise could lead to constipation
  • A diet low in fibre leads to constipation emphasizing the need for a high fibre diet. Fibre in the diet helps to absorb and hold water which makes the stools soft and helps in their easy passage. Fibre also decreases the transit time through the intestines and helps in easy defecation.
Last modified: Friday, 4 November 2011, 9:10 AM