
Clinical Nutrition
Lesson 26: Cardio Vascular Disease- Risk factors, Lipo and Apo proteins


Coronary artery disease is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in many developed countries and will be an increasing problem for developing nations. According to WHO (2000) CAD accounts for 7 million deaths worldwide. It is estimated that by the year 2010, India will have 60% of the world’s CAD patients.

To treat coronary artery disease (CAD) it is important to first
recognize it. The prediction, diagnosis and treatment of CAD is
based on the risk factors which help in identifying the individuals
at risk. These risk factors are either modifiable or non modifiable.

Modifiable and non modifiable risk factors

Life style Biochemical/physiological characteristic (modifiable) Personal characteristics (non modifiable)
Diet high in saturated fat cholesterol & energy Elevated Blood pressure Age
Tobacco smoking Elevated plasma total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol Sex
Excess consumption of alcohol
Family history of CHD at an early age (men <55years, women<65 years)
Physical activity Low plasma, HDL cholesterol
Elevated plasma triglycerides.
Hyperglycemia/ diabetes Obesity
Thrombogenic factors
Personal history of CHD or other atherosclerotic vascular disease.

Last modified: Saturday, 5 November 2011, 1:09 PM