Promotional Advertising

Entrepreneurship Development

Lesson 16: Advertising

Promotional Advertising

These are also known as ‘display advertising’. Here, the products are systematically kept in a place, so as to attractive the attention and notice of the lookers. It demonstrates the products. The different types of promotional advertising are

  1. Window display
    The products dealt in by the firm are placed at the front of the firm, trying to create an arousing interest in the minds of the passersby. A good arranged system of window display naturally increases the sales. Even if one is not entering the shop at the sight of the display, it gives a memorizing attitude to the public.
    The products should be placed in a suitable position. The window should not be crowded with items, good light and pleasing colors are essential it must create attention attraction, interest desire, and action (AIDA).
  2. Advantages

    1. It has “at the point of purchase” effect
    2. It attracts the onlookers
    3. It is used as an indicator of status to the firm.

  3. Interior display
    In large – scale organizations, they use glass – dourer cup boards, sun glass show- cases, etc for internal display. Window display is arranged outside, but interior display is inside the shop.
  4. Advantages

    1. Purchasing is made easier
    2. It facilitates to sell allied products
    3. The whole shop becomes attractive
    4. It is flexible

  5. Show – room
    Consumers generally insist on prior inspection of the products, which they aim to purchase. Therefore, sellers must provide facility for their inspection. In a show – room, not only the needed products are kept, but different products also. This creates an inward interest on other products. In the show – room, salesmen are there to explain about the prospects. For E.g. Textile Industries or firms producing T.V., furniture, refrigerators, and other luxurious items must have show – rooms.
  6. Advantages

    1. Products are at display
    2. Consumers can study and inspect the products
    3. They can get complete detail of the product

  7. Exhibition
    This is also known as trade shows. It promotes sale of goods exhibited. All, big or small, manufacturers reserve stalls in the exhibition area exhibit their products. Here, there are competitor’s products also. They held on local, national or international level.
  8. Advantages

    1. Variety of products display can be witnessed.
    2. It is a ready – made market.
    3. Competitor’s strategies can be known.
    4. Many people visit an exhibition hence, mass advertising is made faster.
Last modified: Wednesday, 18 April 2012, 10:52 AM